
Welcome to my journal! This is where I put site updates, as well as general musings about making things and a bit of my personal life!

This is actually the second incarnation of the journal(Which is why it's called Page2 instead of journal, the original one was the 2nd page I built and it was already linked everywhere)

If you want to see that you can go Here

Page code credit to EGGRAMEN

Journal 75 Febuary 13 2025

So, I've been. . .reading? Perusing? Looking into? Getting into? Not sure how to word it. This ARG horror thing called Welcome Home, it's really good! It's apparently already really popular, I had already known about it, since one of the streamers I watch is a voice actor in it (Frankie Frankenstien), but I didn't realize just HOW popular it was until I actually started getting into it myself. (And it's popular for good reason too!)

I don't really know how to describe it, it's a horror story about an old puppet/animated show (Ala Muppets and Sesame Street), but IT IS! HAUNTED!

Ok haunted isn't actually what's going on I don't think, that was just a joke, it's pretty mysterious at the moment about what EXACTLY is going on, which from what I understand is always good when it comes to horror. (I am not a horror aficionado. I am baby and am scared easily)

Honeslty the real draw for me(Other than the obvious love and work that's gone into it holy moley) is the characters! They're all such colorful characters(Literally and figurativly)

I very much want them to be happy and safe and I know that's NOT gonna happen. I'm not really convinced that Wally isn't the only one who's still around/alive actually. . .I need to go through everything again (Especially the old guestbook doodles), because I'm pretty sure at one point Wally told a guest that he couldn't get in contact with at least one of the other neighbors. I couldn't check cause I was on my phone, and the formatting makes it hard to see which doodle went with which message.

Honestly I doubt I have anything that the fandom hasn't gone over a million times, but I haven't wanted to theorise since I watched Gravity Falls for the first time, so I'm not gonna worry about "Original" theories and just have fun with it.

Go check it out for yourself if you want!

Welcome Home

And the Trigger Warnings/Credits Page Here (Bookmark this page, it's kinda hard to find for some reason, despite the fact that the creators are always linking it)

Journal 74 March 25 2024

I'm so bored. . .I wanna work on the site but I can't think of anything I wanna do. . .Ugh

I've been watching a lot of PnF lately, maybe I could start a mini-site for that? If this crick in my neck goes away that is

Journal 73 March 14 2024


They're scary. . .urk. We're not in danger currently, but there's still a tornado watch and I can't go to sleep until it's over. I'm listening to Phineas and Ferb songs to distract myself/block out the noise

<--How I feel rn

U know, I never realized how tiny those portraits are. Guess that makes sense, a ds isn't exactly big (In both size wise and space wise)

Journal 72 March 12 2024

I feel like I'm forgetting something o(>< )o

Like, in a "This was what I originally got one here for in the first place" forgetting something. Such a pain.

*sigh* (。 •́︿ •̀。)

Aw well, I'm sure it'll come back to me eventually.

Journal 71 March 11 2024

Yo I just found a Halloween Fanlisting. My life is complete. I'm not officialy a member yet(Cause I just sent in the form) But u should go see anyway! All their buttons are so cool! <--Lookit this perfection! (Am I biased because I love Halloween an absurd amount? Yes. Yes I am.

(I was so sad when that site that was full of Halloween graphics went down, I live in hope! Wait. I wonder if it was ever archived. I'll return.)

Yooooo! They're on Neocities!! That's even BETTER than being archived! (I think they might've just changed their wesite name, whoops.)

Journal 70 March 10 2024

Uuuuuuugh, I can't focus on anything! I'm so bored! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

There's gotta be SOMETHING i can do. I tried drawing, I tried Slime Rancher, I tried other games, I even tried working on this site! None of it's sticking. . .maybe I should find some tv to watch? Or maybe watching some Drawfee will inspire me to draw. . .I dunno.

Journal 69 March 4 2024

Ugh, I just spent like an hour going over candidates on my ballot. I'm SO tired. I should have looked up this stuff a long time ago, at least most of it's easy to decide, since most of the open races where I live are either people who already HAVE the seat with a bad track record vs. new person, or person who's running with things like "conservative values" in their mission staement. Gross >-<

I think I've got it mostly narrowed down now though, for later today or tomorrow when I go vote(I don't have my own car, so I have to wait for a ride)

For NOW though! I'm gonna take a break and watch some Rescue Bots or something else nice and easy. Maybe play some Picrews or Pokemon.

Never lose hope friends!!!

Journal 68 March 2 2024

I watched Bang Brave Bravern and it's a hoot! Like you would not belive how much I was laughing at this show! It's ridiculous! Bravern my beloved. Wait hang on. I gotta do something

That was harder than I thought It'd be, anyway

Watch Bang Brave Bang Bravern, it's great! It's one of those shows that's really funny, but it also has a really fucked up premise that is played completly straight (In this case, the world is being attacked by aliens. A large portion of the population is likely dead. All the humans treat this with the gravitas it deserves. Bravern. . .well he cares a lot. He's just from a 80s bombastic robot fighting anime, instead of a modern gritty realistic one. And that contrast makes it hilarious.)

Journal 67 Feburary 28 2024

I think I should find/make a different css for the sticker club, my layout is pretty good for a lot of text or text and images, but I don't do tables and stuff too well, and I have no idea how to make it responsive-WAIT JUST REMEMBERED I NEED TO FIX SOMETHING

Sorry, I knew if I didn't go now I'd forget again, my Daydreams page had a word/phrase that was running together and it made the text go past the div on mobile

Oh! Another wierd thing I remembered! Apparently the first site counter I got still works on mobile? But like, ONLY on mobile. Like it's not a responsive thing I don't think, since it doesn't show up at all on desktop, even if I go into inspect mode and change the window size. It's just really wierd. . .

I also think it might be time to give in and made drop down menus, there are just too many subpages in each section, and I'm not sure if the categories are properly conveying everything that's in them.

But I just. . .I REALLY hate drop downs, they never work how they're supposed to on mobile. Maybe I'll look into it later, after finding a css for the stickers page, maybe I'll use one of those page builder things, now that I understand the theory behind it a little more

Journal 66 Febuary 26 2024


*cough* Anyway, I found the thing that was making the mobile version of the Daydreams page all slippy slidey. It was an image that was too long for the page, I added a mobile response where it won't do that anymore

In other news, look at my cute teacup

Journal 66 Feburary 26 2024

I keep making badges/stamps and being like, "Ok, THAT'S the last one for the day, I'll add them to the site and be done."

Me five minutes later: *Opens pixelart maker again* One more.

THIS one's the last one.

It's never the last one.

Journal 65 Febuary 25 2024

I've actually been browsing other sites again lately, I haven't had the motivation to do that in. . .a long time. I forgot how fun it was ^-^

You know, I think about how I was last year(before I finally found a therapist) and how I thought I was dealing with myself just fine and I realize



I was NOT fine, and I realized that on some level, which was why I wanted to go to therapy in the first place, but MAN, I was really just surviving and losing myself in media to distract myself from how not fine I was

It's not as bad as I've ever been, that honor goes to the last year of high school, where I was having panic attacks on the reg, but I think how bad that was made me think, "well, as long as it's not THIS bad it means I'm fine, right?" Not necassarily, no, past me

I know I'll likely have ups and downs, because that's how mental health works, and I'll likely still change interests with the speed to rival an F1 racecar, because that's how ADHD works, but I'm hopeful. (honestly, I'm a bit afraid to say that, in case it tests fate, but that's NOT an actual thing, I refuse to loose hope no matter what! I'll drag it kicking and screaming if I have to dangit!)

Hehe, maybe I'll look back at this a year or two from now and be like, "Man, I did NOT have it together back then, I was just beggining! Silly past me."

Journal 64 Febuary 24 2024

I should have thought about doing something like that daydreams page ages ago! It's really fun to see the ideas that are always cluttering up my head on, well, not paper. But you know. Screen. I can't believe that everyone was right, writing stuff down DOES help you stop thinking about it! It's definitly still there, but I didn't realize how much space in my head was being used by the active story going on in my head. ^-^;

It's not like it was distruptive, I could still do other things, but I think it was making it a bit harder

Which is good(Or bad, depending on how u see my rambles) for anyone following this site, it means I might try writing down my daydreams more often

I wish I had a better way to differenciate them on the page though. . .I don't wanna make a new page every time(especially since they're usually connected to each other)

I'll probably make them for each fandom I have, when I get back into each one

Journal 63 Feburary 23 2024

Beeb awhile since I did an actual journal entry, I've mostly just been adding to the updates box, so I figured I should do an actual entry again.

We're having a yard sale soon, so that'a fun, maybe I should take a look through my stuff one last time, see if there's anything I wanna sell, I could use the money.

In other news, I'm back in the Transformers pit. As anyone reading this right now has probably noticed. I still wanna make a page for, like, random Transformers daydreams I have(Things that I use to amuse myself, but I don't really like enough/that are to long to turn into a story.

Actually I might start that now, either way get ready for self-indulgent Kadewave scrap!

Journal 62 June 19 2023

I've been rewatching Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja and it's just. SO stupid! In a good way, the amount of times I ACTUALLY laugh out loud at this show is ridiculous (Also I just spelled ridiculous right the first time! Boo-yah!) It's great.

Also Randy is hard to draw. His head's a weird shape.

Journal 61 March 20

So I got an offline editor to try out, see if I could work that way, and it has a live preview, which is awesome! But it has this really weird thing going on, the text runs off of my "main" div for some reason

The weirdest thing is, it ONLY does that in the editor, not when I uploaded it to the actual site. I have no idea what I've done wrong, but I'm gonna try and close everything out and restart, hopefully it's just a like, memory bug of some sort.

Journal 61 March 19 1:40PM

I FINALLY managed to figure out the font thing! I probably should have used a more easily recognizable font to figure it out in the first place. ^-^;;;

Journal 60 March 8 2023 10:00AM

So guess who got burned out! Twas' I. I'm still not sure when I'll come back to this site, I'm currently recovering from being sick(not Covid, luckily) and I've still got a cough that's slowly fading, so I'm not exactly work ready yet.

I also wanna start trying to volunteer at my local library, try to give back to my community when I have the extra energy, so that'll keep from from here too, I might try and start a blog about that though, I'd have to keep the specifics vauge, but I think it'd be a fun thing to write about, could call it "Volunteering with Chronic Fatigue" or something

Journal 59 Dec 8 3:20PM



I'll have to fix that next time I'm at my computer.

Journal 58 Dec 8 2022 1:20PM

I've been working on this site quite a lot lately, which probably means I'm gonna burn myself out soon if I don't cool it a bit, there are so many fun things to make though. . .I wanna work on my Invader Zim stories as well, but that's about the same in terms of "Work v. Rest" In that it's a hobby, but a high spoons one, so I have to be careful.

I DO feel like I actually have more energy nowadays, even if my stamina is ridiculously low, since we upped my thyroid meds. Maybe I actually might return back to how I was before one day. Or at least close to it, considering I was a teenager back then.

Let's see. . . there was something else I think. Maybe just that I'm planning on taking a break for a few days, or rather, I'm forcing myself to not code or write for a few days so I don't burn out. ^-^

Journal 57 Dec 5 10:00PM

Draft is shutting down :( That was my favorite writing app, thing. Man, I don't know what I'm gonna do without it, it's nice and simple, unlike basically every other online writing app/site. You were able to save your writing to the site and get it everywhere too.

*sigh* I tried to ask on Reddit for alternatives, and all the responses were really good writing apps! But they were far from simple, Draft was basically just a super basic text editor(it had bold, italic, and a couple other things, but that's it) that saved to the cloud.

Calmly writer LOOKS correct, and is the closest to Draft that I've found, but it doesn't have an option to save the file ON there, you have to use Google Drive, and I'm not about to wait ten million years for THAT to load every time I wanna write.

I have half a mind to just get the supporter package for Neocites and make a site for all my writing, finished and unfinished. I'd have to look into some sort of. . .I dunno. Password system? To keep people from just stumbling onto it. I'm sure they could still get in but. . .

Yeah, I think that'd actually be just as much trouble as using Drive. I'd have to make a new page every time I wanted to write. That won't work. It was a nice idea though.

Why does Drive always take a gazillion years to load anyway? You'd think with all the money they have they could afford enough servers to load faster.

Ok, I know the answer is like, tracking stuff and. . . stuff.

Hmm. . .I wonder if I made a Drive account JUST for my writing if it'd load faster. . .I don't really wanna use Drive at ALL but Calmly writer looks the best. . .

Journal 56 Dec 4 12:30PM

I have created a guestbook! Tremble at my powers! Mwhahahahaha!

Though I suppose 'created' is a bit of a misnomer. Eh, whatever.

You know, I should probably make an actual Change log thing, both for myself and for people visiting a second time. Hmm. . .I don't know how to make one of those though, with like a little scrollbar and stuff. It would also have to be pretty easy to edit, otherwise I wouldn't use it.

Journal 55 Dec 3 5:40

You know, I really like the aesthetic of the old web, and I REALLY LOVE GiFs, like look at this

It's moving! That's so cool! I wish I could use stuf like that more, unfourtunatly too many moving things on a page make me. . .dizzy? Not really motion sick, I don't get nauseous. Either way it's unpleasant, and also really wierd considering I play video games all the time.

Journal 54 December 3 5:40 PM

Me, looking at my site after just updating it and giggling

Journal 54 December 2, 12:30 PM

So I've been thinking about turning on tips, not that I really think anyone would use it, but just because if someone DID it would send me into the stratosphere, you know? I don't know, still seems kinda. . .off to do though? I'm not sure about it, it's a bit of a hassle anyway, I have to redo my paypal, and there are a lot of things i have up higher on the to-do list anyway, so probably wont do that for awhile.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Wait. Crap. I DID forget, I have no idea what I remembered when writing that last paragraph, that's not good.

Nope there it is! I've decided to start writing my updates(At least the text heavy ones) in 4thewords. This won't really affect how you guys see the site, but it will hopefully be easier for me, since the text of the editor doesn't play nice with OpenDyslexic, and that's the easiest font for me to read. (Also it means that I can use my journals to reach my daily word count.) I'm not sure why I didn't think to just use a text editor to do the text heavy stuff in the first place, especially the stuff where I've already got the formatting down, like these journals. hehe ^-^

Journal 53 December 1, 2022 12:50 PM

So I'm working an event with my mom today, but I also decided it would be a good idea to try and fight a monster on 4thewords worth 1200 words, for some reason.

This was not. In fact. A good idea. Especially since I decided to use my coding/working on this website as the word count. I've managed almost six hundred words so far, but I'm running out of ideas besides rambling in this journal. And I mean, I COULD write something else, but I really wanna work on this site, and I only have so much time before the event starts, or we actually have to start setting up. This is a problem, as you can probably guess, since the monster only has a certain amount of time before it runs away and I get nothing for everything I HAVE written.

4thewords is pretty cool though, I've managed to get quite a lot of writing done with it. Though I with admit, a lot of that was because they have an event going on right now that deals with dragons, and as u can probably tell from this site's name, I do love me some dragons. The creature I'm trying to beat with word count right now is called a. . .*looks it up* Thalamaris. Which is the dragon I'm hoping to hatch, at the very least if I beat this one I'll get a little plush of it for my avatar, which is really cool. I have to get a certain streak (of 444 words) to hatch the egg that I got.

nearly seven hundred eighty words now, I'm getting close.WWhat's something else I've wanted to talk about here, but keep forgetting?

Oh yeah! NOTE TO SELF: Look into making a Count Duckula fan page.

I want to make a page for my Tired Dad Duckula Au, it's an Au where The Count Duckula from the 2015 Danger Mouse is the son of the Count Duckula from the 80s (Count Duckula, not Danger Mouse)cartoon! It's really fun, 80s! Duckula found Junior's (2015!Duckula) egg in his broccoli patch, I'm actually working on a short little comic showing that scene!

Admittedly it's kinda on hiatus right now, since I got into a slump mentally, and then Sonic Frontiers came out and I got obsessed with that, because I couldn't play it for myself(fingers crossed I get it for Christmas!)

Then I started listening to the "Homestuck made this world" podcast, because a streamer I watch was listening to it(Related: look up afacefullofbugs on Twitch, thier (it's two people) really chill, they always sit and chat during the waiting time. Also thier donation incentives are funny noises and THATS VERY GOOD!)

And of course listening to a Homestuck podcast made me go, "Man I should actually try and finish Homestuck this time!" I inch ever closer to the end. I mean, I already know pretty much everything that happens, but I still wanna be able to say I finished it, you know?

But anyway, I was gonna say that all that somehow lead to me getting back into Invader Zim, but I just remembered the actual reason I did

It was because someone commented on my fic! I can't believe I forgot! That made me so happy I(or rather, my brain) was like "I must switch Hyperfixations right now immediately." And I went and looked up word fight so I could actually maybe work on something, but it doesn't work anymore(🥲) So I had to find some other alternative, because of I didn't I was just gonna rewatch the series and enter the Florpus fifty million times and not write

And THAT'S how I found the 4thewords site. Which is pretty cool, it seems to be helping, but we'll wait until the end of the free month(it's like, $4 a month) to see if it's worth it.

Yeah but, getting that comment really inspired me! It's nice to know people like the stuff I do ^-^ I already finished re-writing the first fic from my series, and I've got like 2000 words of the next fic, and a few hundred words of another fic! ^-^

And that's word count! SUCCESS! Excellent.

Journal 52 September 27 2022 11:00

So, I haven't been able to work on my site too much, since my laptop's cord has become persnickety and it's pretty expensive to replace. I've got a setup that seems to be working for now, but I'm not sure how long it'll last.

Journal 51 July 8 9:40 PM

I found an old Swat Kats fanpage on Wayback Machine, and if that't not one of the most nostalgic things I could have possibly found! Gosh, I loved that show, I don't even remember how I watched it, I don't think it was new when I watched it, maybe re-runs on Cartoon Network or something? Boomerang maybe? Man, who knows. In hindsight, it probably wasn't THAT good a show, but MAN I loved it.

I also wanted T-bone and Razor to kiss, but that's neither here nor there.

I found the site through a Gif for a fan listing, here's the Gif for posterity, as well as a link to the archived site(It's a little broken though, be careful I think it's the index page that's messed up, so try to avoid it)

Journal 50 July 8 8:46 AM

Note to self: If you don't put things into a p tag it won't work how you expect it to

Journal 49 July 7 2022 11:15 PM

I fixed a few broken links, as well as worked on my Adhd/Autism pages. Also added some more Special Interests and Favorite fan content

There was something else I wanted to put here, but I've forgotten what that was so. . .

Journal 48 May 3 1:30 AM

I've been rewatching Wander Over Yonder lately, and I've been thinking a lot about Wander and how he acts, especially around the villains of the series

Like, he's a weird case as far as protagonists go, you know? Like on the one hand, he's ABSOLUTELY playing up certain traits to them for whatever reason(Major Threat may have been right, but who knows), but he's also COMPLETELY genuine in his affections and interactions towards them.

It's just such a novel concept, a hero who tends to play their counterparts like a fiddle Bugs Bunny style, but who also CARES about them, completely, genuinely, and truthfully to a fault, considering how dangerous it could be.

In a more gritty show this would backfire horribly, but here it just WORKS, it worked on Major Threat, it worked on Sylvia, it's working on Hater, heck, by the end of the series it seems to even be starting to work on Dominator. I could probably go on, but that wasn't the point of this, I've gotten off topic

The POINT is, he is both playing a part(annoying do-gooder foiling plans) and completely GENUINE and upfront about wanting to be friends with these people! It's just-it's so good! I've never really seen anything like it, you know?

It's just. . .really good. I just REALLY wanted to talk about it.

Also, while I was writing this I realized you could definitely connect this whole thing to ADHD/Autism masking, like, yeah we're kinda putting on a show, we're 'acting' to an extent in our interactions and reactions, but it generally comes from a place of goodwill and affection. We're not 'faking' to trick people, but from a need for connections, or, at the very least, from the need to not be ostracized.

I think masking, as harmful as it can be, especially when done in excess (as it usually is),partially comes from the need to be understood, and if that's not the most cliche thing I've ever written I'll eat my hat, but you know, everyone wants to be understood all that jazz, you've heard this whole speil before I don't need to repeat it, the POINT is! It's not malicious! Some people seem to think it is. It's not 'faking' to choose facial expressions to reflect what's happening, or to have scripts for every possible situation, it's COMMUNICATION, a desperate bid to a world that doesn't understand us naturally.

We're playing it up, but the feeling behind it is genuine, now isn't it?

Journal 47 April 25 5:30 PM

You know, it's kinda weird to really want friends, while also being aware that you're not ready for that kind of commitment, and it IS a commitment, especially when you becaome an adult. I just-I know I won't have the energy to put the time in to make friends. And it's SUCH a weird sensation because I WANT them, you know? Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be ready or if it's one of those things you have to force yourself to do at first to get any payoff.

*sigh* It's a conundrum for sure. Especially since putting a lot of time into anything consistently is hard enough without being anxious about the thing I'm doing in the first place.

I guess I'll just continue as is for now, making a site and yelling into the void until I get up the confidence and energy to initiate contact with someone else.

Journal 46 April 20 1:30 PM

I'm thinking aboout finding some way to edit my site off of Neocities, so that I can have bigger updates less often instead of tiny updates all the time. I'm not sure about it though, we'll see how hard it is to do.

Journal 45 April 19 9:30 AM

You know it's funny (not ha-ha funny, the other kind) how people who can function with Adhd don't get diagnosed. Like my dad, he's always been very good at his job(he sells pest-control) and so no one even questioned why he drank a gazillion Mountian Dews a day, or could never remember to pick up dishes or clean things. It's like, he's a very intelligent man! But he never really thought that about himself because he didn't do good in school and the older I've gotten the more I've realized that it's because he had adhd! I think I was going somewhere with this, I don't remember where though. . .There was something about my mom doing good in school and ALSO not seeing herself as particularly intelligent.

The point is! I don't know! Something about imposter syndrome and my parents(both of them!) and how it can exsist whether or not you do good in school! My mind jumped between points too fast to actually write them down and I lost them! Which is. A bit annoying. This always happens when I wanna write something important.

9:50 AM

You know, not to be sterotypical, but trains are SO COOL GOSH

I wanna ride a train so bad, and not one of those dinky little zoo trains, I wanna ride an actual passenger train! I want it to take me somewhere and then ride back! I wanna hear it go cu-clunk cu-clunk!

*sigh* There are no real trains around where I live, not even subways

Journal 44 April 18 7:30 PM

Alright after 4 episodes my worries have been banished, but my attention meds have worn off. -_-; Which means I can't watch a tv show any longer, so I'm gonna try and find some old fanfics instead, and just hope I don't spoil myself on something big!

And, let's be honest, even if I do, spoilers have never stopped me before! (And, in fact, have even encouraged me)

Journal 43 April 18 4:50 PM

So you know one show I never expected to get a second season? Tiger & Bunny.

You know what show got a second season!?

I found out while browsing Netflix the other day, and have spent the last couple days rewatching the first season. I have ALL THE HYPE NOW

Now excuse my stream of consciousness thoughts, cause I have (probably unfounded) worries and I feel like blabbing them here

It does however, present a dilemma. I want to come to my own conclusions about whether I like the season or not. But there are ALSO things that I'd rather know beforehand to prepare myself for. Mostly writing stuff I'm afraid of, stuff with Blue Rose being my biggest fear(she's such a good character please anime DON'T DO THE THING)

Like her whole crush thing. It worries me. It's great as is! Like at the end of the first season it feels like a character trait instead of "this is where the series is going" Like we as viewers know that the like, 30 year old isn't gonna fall for the teenager so it feels like a way to develop her character cause she's gonna have to deal with that somehow eventually! And it was great and I was excited to see how she'd handle it!

But then I remembered that this was an anime, AND a superhero story, both of which are sometimes bad about stuff like that.(The opposite is ALSO true, both being GOOD about things like that, hence my dilemma)

Yeah so, that's my biggest worry, I have a few other ones(mostly to due with Tiger and Barnaby's dynamic and "what if they go back to hating each other just cause???"

but I've decided to not look up spoilers, despite my fears(anxieties? reservations?) Because if they(the writers) do something I DO like, I want to see it for myself!

so wish me luck! And pray that the writers are still good at writing the characters

Journal 42 April 17 2022 11:00 AM

Hehe, Happy 42nd journal entry! Finally, THIS is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. You found it! Also happy Easter, for those celebrating(It's me)

So I found this cursor shaped like a bloody knife, and it starts chopping whenever I hover over a link, so sometimes I like to just sit there and watch it chop the words for awhile, like "hehehe Chop Chop Chop!" I've also got mouse trail on, so it wiggles too.

So as it turns out, the answer to life is funny cursors, who knew? ;p

Journal 41 April 12 3:40 PM

Me making a Shadow fanpage, innocent.

My brain: Talk about Sonadow

Me: Huh?

My brain: You must!

Me: Well, alright then.

Journal 40 April 13 2022 10:40 AM

Noooooo, my power went out. How am I supposed to edit my site now. Ok I'm using my phone to do this, but I can't really do many big changes from there, mostly because it's too hard to find the right tabs(I open SO MANY TABS when editing)

In other news, happy Homestuck and Neil banging out the tunes day

Journal 39 April 11 2022 4:50 PM

Tornado watch tonight, so that's fun /sarcasm

I wanna make a J&D fan page so bad! But I don't have anything to put on it. I want old badges and GiFs! I'm sure at least a FEW of them were made and are still around, GifCities isn't bringing up anything, but it's search function is pretty hit and miss, you know? Deviantart probably has some stuff like that, I don't like searching DA, it's annoying. ;-_- and actually finding stuff that you can use feels like it might be difficult. It might at least give me some ideas to make my own. Hmm. . .I wanna make a Jaxter badge.

Well, there's nothing to it but to try I guess!

5:10 PM

I'm gonna try to make a badge with images instead of making pixel art. As soon as GiMP finishes updating. . .

Journal 38 April 10 9:20 PM

I guess it's about time to go looking for dead ends, make sure all the pages I've made so far are linked properly, wish me luck! it will be tedious.

Journal 37 April 9 9:00 PM

You know, I don't see many badges that are pixel art(old ones at least), it mostly photos and like, edited screenshots of tv shows and stuff, I wonder if that's just a coincidence or if it was just a lot harder to make pixel art. Maybe both, now that I'm thinking about it.

Journal 36 April 9 11:40 AM

I don't WANT to eat lunch I want to work on my site dangit

I'm GONNA eat lunch cause with my meds I know I'll never actually get hungry, but dangit I was in the hyperfocus zone, my dog snapped me out of it cause she wanted out and now I'm aware of the time and thus, am obligated to eat.

Journal 35 April 9 10:00 AM

Animating is hard -_-; I decided to make a Jak and Daxter button and was like, "I'll draw a little Precursor orb and have it rotate around!"

You cannot make something rotate in 2 frames. Which is what my other badges have been(is there actually a difference between badges and buttons? Cause I keep calling them buttons on accident. . .)

So it's taking awhile. I really like making them though.

Journal 34 April 8 7:50 PM

I just finished redoing all my scanned pictures, so they're all JPGs and 1Mb or under now! Hehe, my file usage went from like, 130Mb to 30, so yeah it was using too much space, especially since you can't even really tell the difference in most of the pictures.

Journal 33 April 8 3:40

I'm starting to make badges! They're really fun, I made a site badge with the art program I already have on my phone(Medibang paint, not really good for pixel art) but liked it so much that I decided to get an actual pixel art app to make them!

Here's the second one I made(I wanted to see how it looked anyway)

I might make a page for them eventually, I also now know that I need to edit that one to have lighter text on the Sonic part

Journal 32 April 8 2022 4:50 AM


So I accidentally pressed Ctrl and the < button and it brought up a menu with a bunch of different options, (most of which I don't understand yet) but one of them was! Text size!

My eyes are going to enjoy this very much

It looks like it doesn't save the text size when you close the editor, but this will still be helpful if I'm doing a lot of coding on one page

In other news, I think I've put a credit on the pages I used the layout maker to create! So that's another task on my to-do list done!

Journal 31 April 7 5:30 PM

I'm gonna have to resize all my scanned images, i THOUGHT i found an easy way to do it, but they're still pretty big, what a pain. Aw well, for now they'll just be re-sized by the browser instead.

Journal 30 April 7 4:40 PM

You know, it occurs to me that most people probably create a page and finish it and then create another page. I can't seem to help myself from creating several pages at once, or creating pages that need to be linked to through another page.

Although, considering the amount of people who create sites on the internet, I suposse "most" isn't exactly the most apt descriptor. . . Hmm. I feel like I was going somewhere with this, but I can't remember where. Sometimes I get a sentence in my head that I want to write down since it sounds nice, but it doesn't really go anywhere.

I still think it's worth it to write them down though.

Journal 29 April 7 2022 1:10 PM

I made a page divider! It's made out of the loading ring sprites from SA2, which I got here

Sonic ring page divider

Cool, huh? I'm sure that something like it's been make MANY times before, but I wanted to try making one for myself. Consensus is: Putting GiFs next to each other is harder than you think it should be.

Journal 28 April 7 2022 10:00 AM

Figuring out what to do while things scan is difficult, it doesn't take so long that you can do something big, but it's not really short enough to just sit there and wait for it either.

I don't think I'll add GiFs to all the tabs, just images on some of them. I think each mini site will have it's own picture, except any GiF pages I make, those will have a GiF from the page instead.

Journal 27 April 7 2022 9:30 AM

Note: Put the year on these u keep forgetting that

Note: Put credit on bottom bar where you've used SadGrl's layout

Why must it be so hard to scan things? I usually work on my laptop, which is very convient, but the scanner is in the office. The office which has the most uncomfortable computer chair to ever grace this earth. I'm sure it USED to be comfortable, and it was free so I can't complain too much, but it's old and there's zero cushioning left in it. So scanning anything is a pain.

I'll admit, this journal is mostly so I can motivate myself to get up and go to the office, I have a lot of drawings I want to share, but I have to scan and edit them first, luckily I can edit them from my usual place after they're scanned.

9:50 AM I am now wearing fingerless gloves ^-^ I am the Haxzoor

Journal 26 April 5 12:30 PM

I've figured out how to put an image on the tabs it's over for all of you! MWHAHAHAHA! My complete mastery of HTML continues! /joke

But yeah, this is great, you can put GiFs up there too! Why does no one use GiFs I wonder? Probably something to do with page loading.

Journal 25 April 5 12:00 PM

CSS continues to be difficult. I'm trying to add a side bar to my code, which is easy enough, but it looks bad with smaller screen sizes, so I wanna make it change to either a top bar or a bottom bar when under a certain size. Which ALSO seems easy enough, in theory. It is not easy. I might have to completly re-do my theme to get it working, since I think the problem is how I've structured it, as opposed to anything I'm doing wrong.

I might try putting the links in a p tag, see if that helps somehow. My Oatmeal page moves the bars when the size is changed, but that was never really an actual sidebar in the first place, just a vertical box.

Journal 24 April 4 8:30 PM

(wait is it seriously already 8 o clock?) So I think I've made an epiphany about myself. An epiphany that's a bit of a problem since I want to encourage creators

My natural way of praising something I like is to show it to someone in some way and then letting the thing do the rest, whether it's actually telling someone(a difficulty since I've become an adult) or writing a thing on my blog/site(Something that. . .doesn't really get too much traffic yet.)

I think it's because I have so much trouble finding my own words for things as opposed to using other people's

Whelp. There's nothing to it I guess.

I'm gonna have to teach myself how to give praise! And unfortuanatly the only way to do that is with practice. Wish me luck! I'm gonna go post reviews on a few of my favorite fics.

Journal 23 April 4 2:15 PM

Whoo! I think I've finally finished making Invader Zim pages(Except for one fanfiction page)! There's not much on all of them, but that's fine, cause they're made! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I'm so tired.

Journal 22 April 4 2:00 PM

HOLY crap why is that picture so big! I thought I made it smaller, uuugh. I'm gonna have to re-upload it later.

Note to self: Re-edit scanned pictures to be smaller file size and actual size

Journal 21 April 4 1:00AM

Me: Ok! Now that I have a plan of action for this site I just need to finish X pages, then I can take the site out of construction!

Me: *Thinks up another page to make*

Me: frICK!

I have so many page ideas help, I already scrapped my Dragon Hunters fan page for the time being, since I didn't have any content for it anyway, but there's still so much more.

I'm basically making several mini sites with everything I like instead of making one site

The wierd thing is, I don't really want to make more than one site, I like the idea of these little mini-sites for all my stuff and interests

Journal 20 April 4 12:40 AM

Yep! Purple was the way to go, it even still fits with the background image.

Although I do have a Gif I could try. . .

Nope. Not chill enough. Journals have to be chill

Everytime I close out of the CSS code for this page it erases on the editor and I'm not sure why. It's not that big a deal since it's just in the editor and I can copy and paste from the view button if I need to edit it, but it is weird.

Journal 19 April 4 12:30 AM

New journal page! This was definitly a good idea! ^-^ I've been wanting to use this theme since I found it! I love the glow, and the fact that it was already blue was a bonus. Although I might change it to purple, see what that looks like.

Why must I make content? Why can't I just make pages that are just to showcase different CSS that I've found with slight color and picture variations?