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Saw the idea to make a page for random "surveys" on Sadgrl.online, and remembered how much I loved those things when I was a kid, even when I didn't have anywhere to put them, so I thought it was a good idea, I'll put each one on a different section.

Most will be from fuckyeahsurveys

Newest at top. No sorting. Green slime page break

Music Questions~!

  1. What are you listening to right now, if anything? Since I'm coding, I have the game/app Chill Corner up, the music playing right now is "No.1061581 Lo-fi Hip-hop --Low
  2. What’s the last song you listened to completely? Not counting the ambient music on that game, maybe Red Flag by Billy Talent?
  3. What is your favorite song?I am NOT good at favorites, I really like Bottom of the River by Delta-Ray though
  4. Are there any songs that can or have made you cry?Probably? I can't think of any specific examples though
  5. Do you have a shower playlist?Nah, just whichever playlist I'm currently listening to
  6. What about a bedtime playlist?I technically have a "slebpy" playlist, but I don't really use it
  7. Have any guilty pleasure bands or songs?hmm. . .I dunno? I definitly have songs I get a little embarrassed listening to with others, but that's more because it's like, music from kids shows and stuff and I'm afraid they'll say something about that
  8. What’s one song or band you used to like but now dislike? *shrug* I can't think of any specific examples
  9. What’s one song or band you used to dislike but now like?Same as the last one
  10. Do you sing along when you listen to music you like? If I'm really feeling the music yeah, but not usually, I tend to just play AMVs in my head instead

Finished 2/24/2024

Favorite Fictional _?

  1. Favorite fictional couple? Canon couple? Probably CyclonusXTailgate. They're adorable. Honestly most of the couples in MTMTE/LL are great.
  2. Favorite fictional character? Why must u do this to me. There are. TOO MANY good characters. First one to come to mind. . .Starscream! Evil pigeon.
  3. Favorite fictional TV show? Transformers Rescue Bots, it's not particularly profound or groundbreaking, but the characters are lovable and it's my comfort show.
  4. Favorite fictional movie? Guess that depends on whether it's animated or live action. Live action probably the Bumblebee movie, animated. . .Not sure. Rise of the Guardians maybe? Or How to Train your dragon. Maybe Big Hero 6? There are a lot of good movies out there.
  5. Favorite fictional villain? Well I can't say Starscream again. I kinda have Transformers on the brain though, and he's the best villian from that.
  6. Favorite fictional hero? Lian-chu from Dragon Hunters? He's big and kind and sweet and smart. He also knits, all the best hero qualities.
  7. Favorite fictional pet? Having trouble thinking of a fictional pet that isn't just, like, a guy. Maybe Toothless?
  8. Favorite fictional setting/universe? Definitly the Transformers universe, you can do SO much with it, and since there are so many alternate universes you can go hog wild and just smash all your favorite characters together and call it a differnt universe. You could even make your own universe from scratch if you're particularly crazy, since you have so many examples to work with.
  9. Least favorite fictional couple? If we mean like, canon stuff? I don't really have one, except u know, every forced romance in every action flick ever. But those are basically all the same.
  10. Least favorite fictional character?
  11. Least favorite fictional TV show? . . .I . . .Don't?? Know???? I don't exactly go around thinking about shows I don't like. I don't really like a lot of "adult animation" but they're all about the same to me, so I don't really have a least favorite
  12. Least favorite fictional movie? It WOULD be the same answer as before, but I have to make fun of the M. Night Avatar the Last Airbender movie on princible
  13. Least favorite fictional villain?Just any boring villians, no specific answers here.
  14. Least favorite fictional hero? Alright, no more least favorites, the answers the same. I don't have one.
  15. Least favorite fictional pet?
  16. Least favorite fictional setting/universe?

Completed 2/14/2024

Video Game Survey

  1. Favorite video game? Persona 5, I've played it twice, which for any other game, wouldn't be a lot. But it's 90+ hours each go soooo
  2. Favorite video game series? Jak & Daxter series
  3. Favorite video game hero? Sonic I guess? Or Jak. Dante's pretty cool too. I guess the answer is "The Protags from my favorite games."
  4. Favorite video game villain? Listen, I barely even go there, but Dr. Nefarious from Ratchet & Clank is great
  5. Favorite video game soundtrack? Persona 5, this is the normal answer. But it's good music.
  6. Favorite video game boss? Hmm. . .Not sure, probably a boss from the Devil May Cry series, I remember cheering really loud after quite a few of those.
  7. Least favorite video game boss?Any of them that makes me give up the game, I can't think of any specific examples right now though.
  8. Favorite video game to play alone? Whatever I'm interested in at the time.
  9. Favorite video game to play with friends? I haven't really played with other people in a long time, I liked Smash Bros though. I'd LIKE to play Animal Crossing with other people, that'd be fun
  10. Favorite upcoming video game? I haven't really been paying attention to new games lately
  11. Any games you are currently crazy for? Wandersong is SO GREAT. It's adorable and perfect. Kiwi is good bard.

    Completed 2/14/2024

EmDragon Productions