This page is for anything that doesn't fit within the actual comic, but can't really be considered non canon either

Them! I really like avacoado boy, favorite insult I've come up with

Invader Gaz doesn't know why this defect has latched onto her so hard, but he's smart, and every Invader needs a science expert; so she'll put up with his antics.

Apparantly Dib hacked the Tallest's records and found out they're. . ."siblings." Whatever that means.

This is actually how this Au's Dib is supposed to look, the page I have up right now is using an older design with darker skin.

unfortunately, the marker I'm using for this Dib is an old one, so who knows how long I'll be able to use it. Whichs sucks, cause I really like this shade(even though I think this picture is a bit off as well, since I think I forgot to edit the colors of this one, aw well, I need to re-do the first things I scanned anyway so they're a smaller file size.)